the power of
maximize your efforts
your profit
your farm is unique
deep learning
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dairy predictive analytics

a unique

performance model

The model estimates nutrient needs for each cow, pen, and herd specifically for the local conditions based on previous experience. The system accounts ‘virtually’ for all the factors that influence performance and provides a suggestion for the best combination of nutrients and ingredients to be fed to the cows to reach one of these targets:

  • Maximize profit
  • Maximize milk yield
  • Minimize environmental impact
  • algoMilk provides support to address:

    Forecasts Animal Performance

    Artificial intelligence helper


    Why Choose algorithmic milking?

    increase margins

    A set of unique algorithms involving federated deep learning to forecast animal performance (feed intake and yield). The model ‘virtually’ accounts for local milk and feed markets to optimize margins.


    algoMilk will predict a different milk yield, income over feed cost, feed efficiency,… for 2 cows in 2 different farms receiving the exact same ration. algoMilk learns the different cow responses to different environments by accounting for most of the factors influencing milk performance.

    data-driven decisions

    algoMilk lets’s you know the gross margin generated by each cow, every day. It provides a the real cost of any pathology on your unique farm. Helps grouping cows to maximize profit, assists in purchasing ingredients.

    29 Investation Report in Monitor

    adapt to market

    algoMilk reacts to milk and feed market changes (prices, availability, and demand) by suggesting new production targets and nutritional and grouping strategies.

    group cows

    One size, does not usually fit all. Nutrient needs and feed efficiency change differently along the milk curve. algoMilk groups your cows under the constraints of your facilities, and your management, to optimize your objectives.

    CONTROL food print

    algoMilk facilitates to monitor, control, and be transparent with consumers about the environmental impact of the way you produce milk.


    a breakdown of YOUR costs

    Some Statistics About algoMilk

    Economic Benefits

    opportunities for your farm



    COW / DAY





    algomilk hardware



    algoMilk has designed its own nutrition hardware. Our hardware system starts at the truck scale. All merchandise entering or leaving the farm is automatically registered by the software and it incorporates the data into the database. algoMilk has also designed a Junction Box that is connected to the mixer wagons cells for manufacturing the mixes and premixes and unloading in the different pens,. Our Main Terminal is located in the truck, tractor or self-propelled mixer. It manages and displays uploads and downloads on the screen. You can work with several mixer wagons simultaneously if necessary. Real time wifi-transfer of data to algoMilk broker and the cloud.



    metric & imperial

    Supports Imperial and International System of Units

    multi platform

    Works in Microsoft Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, and Android


    algoMilk is available in multiple languages

    a unique model

    for your farm

    Make your farm genuinely unique with algoMilk.

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